Quick Guide

  1. Enter the Setup
  2. Create Rules and Relations
  3. Create a Sales Order and let the system create new items/variants based on the characteristics selected



The Eos Solutions Product Configurator (CFG) app allows, on sales side, to manage product configuration both through the generation of item codes and through the generation of variants.

The app Product Configurator (CFG) Eos Solutions, through the use of the characteristics and configuration rules, allows you to:

  • Create automatic item variants or alternatively item codes based on the combination of selected characteristics

  • Create and manage the price matrix that allows you to have different selling prices, according to the characteristic values

  • Manage price surcharge and optionals

  • Search for posted documents by characteristics


Some features of the Product Configurator (CFG) app require a subscription. The subscription can be activated from the SUBSCRIPTION CONTROL PANEL or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard.

See Eos Solutions website for more details.

Additional App

Install Product Configurator for Manufacturing in order to:

  • Create routings and production BOMs with work centers, work times, and variable BOM components depending on the value of the characteristics.

Product Configurator - SUMMARY

Press ALT + Q and digit "CFG" for a list of the features involved:


Task See
Let's see the general principles on which the Configurator is based: Characteristics, Rules, Items/Variants, Prices, Documents Guidelines
Enter the General Setup, the Rules/Characteristics setup and the Item setup Setup
Example of how sales order works How it works
Check the documentation in PDF format  Product Configurator - CFG