EDS Cue Setup


On the Role Center page it is possible to view the EDS cues:

To achieve this you need to enter a specific setup.


Open "EDS Cue Setup" pressing ALT + Q:


Field Description
User ID Filters the page by the current user
Role Center Group Role Center Group (e.g. Purchase 1)
CUE Description Description for the Cue which will appear on the Role center
Table ID Table ID (e.g. Table 23 - Vendor) for which you want the records to be monitored
Status Status, for example NEW, EDIT, RELEASE, that you want to be visible on the Role Center
Status Count This field shows the number of records with the status selected

From the EDS Tables Setup we select the Table 23 and we open the related card:

In the Tab "Cue" you can select the filters, for example we choose "Language Code (24)" for the EDS Description - Text 5.

These filters you select have impact on the fields Status Count:

Recharging your session on the web client, you can see the Cues with the detailed descriptions selected:









See also:

Data Security Introduction

EDS Tables Setup

EDS Setup

EDS Notification Text List

How Data Security works

EDS Record Status View