
In order for the system to correctly calculate the transport costs, it is necessary to first fill in the setups for additional charges, the shipping agents and the shipping price lists.

 Provinces, Counties and Postal Codes

On the relative pages, the postal codes, provinces and cities must be specified in order to subsequently compose the addresses correctly:

  • Counties

  • Cities (from ISTAT list)

  • Post Codes


Price List Types

On this page we define how to calculate the transport costs, depending on

  • miles of travel

  • number of pallets

  • type parcels

  • hours of travel

  • gross / net weight of the goods to be shipped

The types listed cover most of the cases. It is however possible to insert further types if necessary. 


Field Description
Order Calculation allows you to calculate transport costs based on the price list at the time of creating the sales order
Shipping Calculation allows you to calculate transport costs on the basis of the price list at the time of shipment of the goods to the customer and therefore of the creation of the transport document
Invoice Calculation it allows to calculate the transport costs after the confirmation of the correctness of the costs by the shipping agent


Additional charges

For each price list we insert the additional charges that will then be managed by the shipping agent:


Shipping areas

In the Shipping Price card from Related-> Price-> Areas definition it is possible to set the departure and shipping areas related to the shipping price list for all the routes agreed with the shipper. 


Each column constitutes a filter. It is therefore also possible to set combinations eg. " from one code to another code," one code or another "etc. 


It is necessary to define the departure area from the company's warehouse by ticking the option " From Location Code Area"

 In the calculations, the system uses filters starting from the most detailed up to the least detailed: Customer, Postal Code, ISTAT City, County, Territory, Country. 


On the Customer card from Actions-> Additional charges by default it is possible to set additional charges that will be applied automatically to the customer:


On the Item card page there are two fields in the Warehouse Tab:

  • Units per Pallet

  • Units per Parcels

where it is defined how many pieces of the item to insert inside the package and on each pallet.

Sales order

In the Shipping and Billing Tab you can enter the travel hours and the mileage. These quantities are considered by the system when it calculates the hours and miles/Km, based on what is indicated on the price lists.


Data source

The ETC app also includes a setup from which you can choose how to calculate transport costs:


there are three possible options:

Sales Document Param. Source Standard
Shipping Info


If you want to calculate transport costs based on CWS, on the Document Shipping Price (ETC) page you use the "Calc. Shipping Price For" function: 



In the other two cases "Calc. Sales Shipt." is used:







See also:


Shipping price card
Transport costs calculation