Inspection plan

On the page Inspection Plan List (PQA), from New you can set the tests to be applied to items:

Here you can define the type of inspection to be made and it is possible to manage multiple versions of the plan and define a status. The status specifies if it is possible to use the plan. The options are:

Status Description
New If the plan is new (first time you create it)
Certificate If the plan is certificate and therefore usable
Under Development If the plan is under development and therefore not yet usable
Closed If the plan is not usable, but accessible as history

In the LInes you choose the parameter to use for the test:

Other fields:

Campo Descrizione
Expected Value Indica il valore del parametro che ci si attende come risultato della misurazione con il dispositivo in uso
Maximum Value Indica il valore massimo tollerabile per il parametro definito affinchè il risultato del controllo sia positivo
Minimum Value Indica il valore minimo tollerabile per il parametro definito affinchè il risultato del controllo sia positivo
Frequency This field is used if you want to assign a frequency to the row. Options:
0= The Inspection Plan is always performed
1= The Inspection Plan is performed on the basis of the specified frequency in the field "Frequency Period"
The Frequency Period is: day, week, month, quarter, year

Example: we post a first receipt which constitutes the zero point. Next receipt: if it is posted one week from the previous one (the system compares the receipt registration date with the posted ledger entry), the line on the inspection order is not entered.
Frequency Period Day

The parameter can also be an attribute, in this case it is not necessary to enter these fields.

If you want to create multiple versions of the plan, just click Actions-> Functions-> Create new Version:





Product Quality Assurance - Introduction 
Product Quality Assurance - Setup
Product Quality Assurance - Execute
Product Quality Assurance - Non Compliance
Product Quality Assurance - Vendor Rating
Product Quality Assurance - Report