Quick Guide

  1. Set setups (tables, libraries, storage locations)
  2. Upload files to ARXivarNext



DocSolutions For ArxivarNext (ARX) Eos Solutions app enables integration with ArxivarNext, an online Content Management System (CMS), that allows the creation, distribution, and storage of documents in the Cloud.


Some features of the DocSolutions for ARXivar Next app require a subscription. The subscription can be activated from the SUBSCRIPTION CONTROL PANEL or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard. See Eos Solutions website for more details.

See Eos Solutions website for more details.



- Only ARXivar Next is allowed. No ARXivar 5.6

- Data migration from legacy environment is needed when upgrading

 DocSolutions features for ARXivarNext

  • More than one storage address for Table is admitted

  • Storage Type is for Library

  • Arxivar need Client ID, Client Secret and credential

  • Arxivar Next integration is not based on Metadata fields (DSNavKey, DSType, DSCompany)

  • Upgrade requires data migration to SET ERPID== to SystemID

  • No .Net or DLL are needed

  • 23 Tables supported Out of the Box

  • Quick start setups to run DocSolutions in 5 minutes: UPDATE IT FOR PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT!

Benefits for the user

  • Connection is made through APIs from Arxivar Next

  • No Arxivar configuration is needed

  • Required fields are suggested from BC

  • DCS is a connected APP with APP KEY and Secret (Simple)

  • Explore and pickup ARXivar content directly from BC

  • Preview of Arxivar attributes in BC factbox

  • Drag & Drop (email included)

  • Saas ready (But ARXNext already not)

  • User impersonation

DocSolutions for ARXivar Next - SUMMARY

Press ALT + Q and digit "ARX" for a list of the features involved:

Task See
Define the setup Setup
How to upload a file Upload
How to configure ARXivar ARXivar configuration