Chart of accounts

Enter the accounts relating to the CONAI contribution in the Chart of Accounts, for example:

Gen. Prod. Posting Group

On the Gen. Prod. Posting Group Conv. page enter the code relating to the CONAI contribution:


General Posting Setup

Enter the General Posting Setup for each Gen. Bus. Posting Group:

CONAI Materials

In CONAI Materials enter the list of managed materials (the consortium manages steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic and glass).

Field Description
Purchase LIne Type
  • Charge (Item): if you want the cost of the packaging to be charged to the item

  • G/L Account: if you want the CONAI amount to be charged to an account line

  • Resource:  a specific resouce account will be used for the CONAI amount

Sales Line Type
  • Charge (Item): if you want the cost of the packaging to be charged to the item

  • G/L Account: if you want the CONAI amount to be charged to an account line

  • Resource: a specific resource account will be used for the CONAI amount

Alternative Sales / Purchase G/L Code If the Purchase / Sales Line Type is set as Charge (Item), the calculation engine often needs to handle special rounding operations for very small amounts when calculating charges. If necessary, you can then add a line for the small amount that remains, using the alternative purchase or sales account.


From CONAI Materials->Contributions, for each material the amount of the contribution must be specified period by period:

It is important to keep the history of the price list, for the retroactivity of the calculations, adding lines in the case of updates on the prices of the material

The CONAI Environmental Contribution, established for each type of packaging material, represents the form of financing through which CONAI distributes the cost for higher charges for separate waste collection, recycling and recovery of packaging waste among manufacturers and users. These costs, based on the provisions set forth in Legislative Decree 152/06, are distributed “in proportion to the total quantity, weight and the type of packaging material issued on the national market.”

Environmental Contribution amount per material


Please note that the contribution diversification for plastic packaging came into force on January 1st 2018, the contribution diversification for paper packaging from January 1st 2019.

CONAI Packagings

They represent the types of packaging, which differ from each other only in the composition of the materials, which are defined by clicking on CONAI Packaging-> Edit.

Identical packaging but, for example, of different color or appearance are comparable as long as the raw materials are in identical quantities.


N.B. The weight is defined as primary or secondary / tertiary. The former must be communicated separately from the latter.

- sales packaging or primary packaging : packaging designed so as to constitute a sales unit for the end user or consumer at the salling point;

- multiple packaging or secondary packaging : packaging designed in such a way as to constitute, at the point of sale, the grouping of a certain number of sales units, regardless of whether it is sold as such to the end user or to the consumer, or whether it serves only to facilitate the replenishment of shelves at the point of sale. It can be removed from the product without altering its characteristics;

- transport packaging or tertiary packaging : packaging designed to facilitate the handling and transport of goods, from raw materials to finished products, of a certain number of sales units or of multiple packaging to avoid their manipulation and damage related to transport, excluding containers for road, rail, sea and air transport.

CONAI Item Packagings

The CONAI packaging must be linked to the combination "Item / Variant / Unit of Measure" so as to be able to automatically suggest the weight in the sales and purchase invoices: 

By clicking on the assist-edit of the Conai Package Code field it is possible to insert a 'CONAI Package' with the same article code.

On the CONAI Item Packaging page it is possible to choose  if you want the packaging to be searched on the Production BOM or on the Assembly BOM (in the case, for example, of an item whose packaging is not in the CONAI packaging table, but is in the Production BOM or in the Assembly BOM of that item). 

CONAI Exemptions

The exemptions are divided into sale and purchase exemptions. While those in the purchase are those that the company communicates to its vendors and therefore are a single percentage for each type of material, the ones for sale are different percentages for each customer and material. This percentage of exemption is also variable period per period: 


  Exemption Type %
Purchase Own fixed for each material
Sales Customer different for Customer and Material

Sales / Purchase CONAI Setup

Enter the Setup in Purchase and Sales for Customer, Material, Country (All countries, Local or Foreign), Period: 

Each line must be enabled by crossing the Enabled field. 

Field Description
CONAI Detail On Document If enhanced, at the posting of the purchase / sales document, the related accounting entries are generated
CONAI Contribution If enhanced, the CONAI amount charge lines are created in the temporary document 



Field Description
1 Item / 1 Package If active, a package code is managed for each item; The package code coincides with that of the item to which it refers
CONAI Lines Shipments Nos. Numerator dedicated to the generation of posted sales shippings relating only to Conai lines, in the event that the "Shipment on Invoice" flag is present on the Sales & Receivables Setup page.




See also:
CONAI Introduction
Purchases - Use cases
Sales - Use cases
CONAI contributions on document printing
Packaging management from item card
Management of packaging linked to bill of materials (BOM) or assembly list