Extended Combine Shipment - Setup (ECS)



You must choose a method code to use by default, if you did not specify a specific one in the Customer card:



In the Customer card In fact, in the "Invoicing" tab, you can define the invoicing method for each individual customer.

If this field is not filled, the system considers the one in the Extended Combine Shipment Setup. 

Retrieve Sell-To Customer from Order 

If the field is not enabled, the "Sell to" customer of the invoice will be retrieved from the "Sell to" order in case of a single Sell to among the combined shipments, otherwise the 'Invoice to' customer will be used. If this field is enabled, the "Sell to" customer of the invoice will always be retrieved from the 'Sell to' of the order. This could lead to unpredictable results.  


The "Insert default setup" button automatically creates and inserts a setup with the name DEFAULT and with values "-CM/CM" for the "From date formula"/ "To date formula" fields.














See also:

Extended Combine Shipment - Introduction
Invoicing Methods
Extended Combine Shipments