
The Engineering to order Eos Solutions app helps to manage discrete manufacturing projects, optimizing the management of plants and construction sites.

In addition, Engineering to Order app helps you to manage jobs from order through production to invoices.


Some features of the Engineering to order app require a subscription. This subscription can be activated from the SUBSCRIPTION CONTROL PANEL or directly from the notification messages that the system proposes, by clicking on the link that allows you to start the subscription wizard.

For more details visit Eos Solutions website.

Main benefits

  • Apply and mix different approaches: "Engineering-to-order", "Make-to-order", "Make-to-stock", "Purchase to order", "Standard purchase"

  • Manage specific bill of materials, routings and tasks

  • Manage multiple Purchase Quotes

  • Create and manage budget, supporting sales quotation

  • Detect and compare costs and revenues: budget, forecast and actual

  • Plan resources and activities

  • Monitor job progress and related departments in real time

  • Manage macro-project plan 


Invoicing Plan - SUMMARY

Press ALT + Q and digit "Engineering to order" for a list of the features involved: